
Showing posts from February, 2024

Acadia National Park - Info & Imagery

  New England feels...this is what the great 17th & 18th century poets and writers engraved in stone and ink saw in their worlds Acadia National Park. Nestled in the crook of Acadia, Maine, established in 1917, and known for its sweater vibes and autumnal beauty seemingly year round, this national park is known for its stunning scenery above all else. Wintery mountains, teeming forests, and pink granite shorelines are sights to behold on their own. But as the eastern-most National Park in the US, Acadia is also the first National Park to greet dawn every day. Imagine...the light spilling up over ocean salt breeze, pouring over the trees and rocks and sea. A striking world illuminated from the inside out.  Some of these places just don't seem real sometimes. But they are, and besides having great lighting for a Instagram photo shoot, the National Parks' beauty and meaning and history means something to us. These parks, surreal little worlds that offer more than escape, are w