Simply Something New


Don't get too excited, this "something new" isn't anything ground-breaking. 

I generally don't like creating posts unrelated to an ecosystem or species, but once in a while, a non-wildlife related post is a nice break in between information dense articles and fact sheets. And I'm not going to lie, these kinds of posts are easy points to add to my post total, a number that's been growing steadily over the last couple years.

 In this Arctic Ocean series, I'm going to try a new kind of set-up. Midway through the Amazon Rainforest series, I introduced a new kind of post, Fast Facts! (named after my fave scioly event ever). I was able to highlight way more species with Fast Facts! (yes, say it with the exclamation point), and while I still plan on writing up these Fast Facts! posts, I want to shift my focus to more traditional articles again. 

Contrary to the Amazon series where my goal was to cover as many species as possible, the Arctic Ocean series will prioritize depth over breadth. I'll start off with short little fact posts to familiarize everyone with the Arctic, and then we'll dive deeper into the kingdom of the midnight sun.  

And as the series continues, we'll see that there's a shift in the content of the posts themselves. Like how sparkling frost melts to blue water, I'll layout my lens of discovering the Arctic for all of you to look through. 

Ok, now that's enough for a non-wildlife related post. What will the first species in the Arctic Ocean series be? Stay tuned. 


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