10 Simple Ways to Be More Eco-Friendly


Being more eco-friendly doesn't have to mean going vegan or swearing off plastics...

Especially during this time of the year, it seems like everyone is telling us to be more eco-friendly. This seems like a huge task, and oftentimes, being 'more eco-friendly' sounds like it requires a lifestyle change or other drastic action to succeed, which isn't true.
Although the statistics regarding the earth's environmental problems are huge, our steps to be more eco-friendly doesn't have to be. Here are 10 simple ways to treat the earth a little better than before. Incorporating these simple changes in your life may go a long way in changing your mindset and even the world. 

1. Turn your lights off!
Make sure you turn those light switches off after leaving a room and especially when you leave you house. Not only does this save energy, but turning off your light can also save you money in the long run.

2. Use LEDS!
Speaking of light, LEDS use over 75% less energy than regular lightbulbs. Again, making this switch can save you money!

3. Get a glass water bottle
Plastic is one of the biggest pollutants in the world. Using a reusable water bottle greatly reduces your plastic usage and saves thousands of plastic water bottles from being tossed away. There are tons of reusable options; try a glass one!

4. Get a glass straw
Another major contributor to the plastic waste problem is plastic straws. Many reusable straw options are out there, just like reusable water bottles; try a glass one to go with your glass water bottle!

5.  Turn off your sink's faucet
Washing the dishes or brushing your teeth often involves leaving on the faucet for extended amounts of time. Make sure you turn off the sink when you aren't using it. Although it's not as convenient as just simply letting the water run, you'll save more your water usage and bill by being conscientious of how you manage your water.

6. Go Vegan...just kidding
In the food area, we can be more eco-friendly by buying products that aren't packaged in single-use plastic wrappers. Making the choice to buy more eco-friendly packaged products can make a difference, and you don't even have to go vegan to do so!

7. Recyle, recycle, recyle
We're constantly being told to recycle by the big blue bins that occupy the majority of public places, but do we recycle in our own homes? Separating waste from recyclable items prevents unnecessary waste from accumulating in landfills and gives recyclable items a chance to have another life. 

8. Reduce usage of AC/heater
Yes, I know; it gets hot in the summer and freezing cold in the winter. I live in Michigan; I would know. Reduce your usage of your cooling and heating system by using fans and wearing warmer clothes instead. 

9. Start a garden
Here's another food one. Growing your own fruits, herbs, and veggies can not only be enjoyable but also better than buying plastic-wrapped produce from the store. Your own garden grown produce may give you peace of mind too as you'll know exactly what went into growing everything. 

10. Use less paper
From paper towels to sticky notes, we use a lot of paper in our lives. Switching from these single-use products to more eco-friendly options like white boards, reusable cloths, and bamboo notebooks can be just as impactful as planting a tree. 


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